A black dress with bright floral patterns made of paint and fabric with a blue apron, all against a pink background


November 2, 2019-June 30, 2022

Figge Art Museum

A black background with a wide gold strip angling downward from top left corner to mid-right. Halfway up the painting the gold bar is "reflected" and the bar runs from mid-right to bottom left.

Views from the Other Side : American Land, Place, and Region after 1900

May 4, 2019–December 31, 2021

Figge Art Museum

A museum gallery with dark red walls and light, wooden floor. There are large, African, ceramic pots in the foreground, and a mannequin with a white dress and jewelry in the background.

Follow Her Lead: Womanhood in African and Diasporic Arts

July 30, 2019 - March, 2020

Stanley Visual Classroom, Iowa Memorial Union