
Admission to the museum building will end 5 minutes before gallery closing.

 Gallery HoursOffice Hours
MondayClosed9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Tuesday10 a.m.–4:30 p.m.9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Wednesday10 a.m.–4:30 p.m.9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Thursday10 a.m.–8:00 p.m.9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Friday10 a.m.–4:30 p.m.9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Saturday10 a.m.–4:30 p.m.Closed
Sunday12:00–4:30 p.m.Closed

Holidays and Closures

Upcoming dates when the museum will be closed will be announced here.

Directions and Parking

Where to park

Lower Level Parking

Paid, accessible parking is available in the Stanley Art Ramp (63) below the museum. The entrance is at the rear of the building off Museum Drive (formerly Front Street). Visitors can access the museum directly via the elevator lobby in the center.

Visitors may access the UI Main Library and the museum entrance ramp via exit stairs and elevator in the northeast corner. There is an additional stairway in the southwest corner.

Please pay upon arrival. Parking is limited to two hours during enforcement hours. Parking time cannot be extended beyond the maximum two-hour time. 

Payment options include the university's parking app and pay stations (credit card only). Users can download the app for iPhone or Android devices or can access the service on the website https://parkmobile.io/. The app also can be used to pay for parking in more than 500 cities and more than 150 universities and colleges nationwide – including several in Iowa.  

Please note: Height Restrictions – 93 inches (7’ 9”)

instructions for pay station use

Enforcement hours, rates, and payment options.

Surface Parking

  • Library Lot (3)
    202 West Burlington Street
    Open for public use:
    Monday-Friday: 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 a.m.
    Weekends: All day on Saturday and Sunday
  • Recreation Center Lot (11)
    500 South Madison Street
    Lot can be accessed through the public entrance on Madison Street

Parking Ramps

Accessible Parking

All public parking facilities on the University of Iowa campus have designated accessible parking spaces. All Iowa City parking facilities also have accessible parking spaces. Use of these spaces requires a state issued disability parking permit or a disability license plate.

Accessible parking near the museum:

Large Vehicle Parking

Vehicles over 93 inches (7' 9") or carrying 20+ people require pre-arranged parking. 

To arrange for parking, please email Joshua Siefken with your visit date and time at least one week in advance.

Contact Joshua

How do I get there?

On Foot

Located on the corner of W. Burlington and Madison Streets, adjacent to Gibson Square Park and the UI Main Library, the Stanley Museum of Art is a pleasant eight minute, 0.5 mile walk from the UI Pentacrest and downtown Iowa City.


Getting to the museum on your bicycle is easy! There are large bike racks on either side of the Main Library's south staircase, facing Gibson Square Park. An additional bike rack is located at the southwest corner of the building, next to the stairs for the lower level parking.

Public Transportation

University of Iowa CAMBUS
Red, Blue, and Interdorm routes all stop at the UI Main Library, immediately adjacent to the museum.

Iowa City Transit 
Provides transportation services throughout Iowa City, including the University of Iowa campus.

Coralville Transit
Provides transportation services in Coralville and to/from downtown Iowa City.

Johnson County SEATS
ADA paratransit service for Johnson County.

380 Express
Weekday bus service between Cedar Rapids and Iowa City.


From I-80
Eastbound visitors can use exits 242 (1st Avenue, Coralville) and 244 (Dubuque Street, Iowa City).
Westbound visitors can use exits 246 (Dodge Street, Iowa City) and 244 (Dubuque Street, Iowa City).

From Hwy 218
Northbound visitors can take exit 91 to IA-1 N/Hwy 1 W.
Follow IA-1 N/Hwy 1 W and S. Riverside Drive to Burlington Street.

From I-380
Southbound visitors can take Take exit 93 from US-218 S (County Rd F46/Melrose Ave toward University Heights).
Follow Melrose Avenue/Burlington St. east.

Planes, Trains, and Bus lines

Know Before You Go

General Guidelines

Please do:

  • Experience the Stanley in your own way—stop by for ten minutes between classes, bring your family and friends for the afternoon, or spend an hour in your favorite gallery.
  • Remember to check all backpacks, large bags, coats/jackets, and other bulky items in the coat room before entering the galleries. All bags over the size of 10 inches x 10 inches x 5.5 inches must be left in a locker. Please wear your coat/jacket if you do not store it in the coat room.
  • Please wear child carriers and small bags on the front of the body.
  • Sketch and draw in the galleries with pencil only.

Thank you for helping us protect the collection by:

  • Staying at least an arm's length away from all objects.
  • Not touching the works of art - natural oils in our hands and fingers can cause damage.
  • Not bringing food or drink into the second floor galleries. Finish these items in our first floor lobby or save them for later in the coat room.

Public Policy

Conduct in the museum | Basic Policy Governing Public Use

The purpose of the Public Use policy is to affirm the rights of all people to use the museum without discrimination, intimidation, threat of harm or invasion of privacy. The Stanley Museum of Art is dedicated to providing a welcoming, inclusive, and accessible experience for all visitors.

The University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art welcomes all individuals, regardless of university affiliation, to enjoy our building and the collections we house. Our focus, however, remains to support University of Iowa faculty, staff, and students as well as the use of the museum for university teaching and learning.

Visitors to the museum have the responsibility to:

Treat others with respect.

Refrain from behaviors that are disturbing, threatening, or disruptive.

Comply with the University of Iowa Operations Manual and the Code of Student Life.

Protect artwork and the museum building.

Wear a shirt and shoes (no cleats or wheeled shoes).

All University of Iowa policies are applicable to the Stanley Museum of Art 

University of Iowa Operations Manual       University of Iowa Code of Student Life

Persons who violate any of these policies may lose their privileges to use the UI Stanley Museum of Art, be subject to university-imposed discipline, and/or be subject to criminal prosecution or other legal action, as appropriate.


Animals (with the exception of service animals) are not permitted in the museum.

Copyright and Licenses

The University of Iowa Copyright Policy is available under Section 5, Chapter 30.4 of the University of Iowa Operations Manual.

Criminal Behavior

The museum will notify law enforcement authorities concerning any suspected criminal behavior by museum visitors. Areas in which the museum will be particularly vigilant and pursue legal remedies are:

  • Theft or destruction of museum artworks
  • Property damage, including, but is not limited to, defacing or deliberate misuse of buildings, materials, or equipment
  • Disorderly conduct
  • Vandalism
  • Indecent exposure
  • Assault and harassment, including verbal threats
  • Non sanctioned consumption of alcohol (as defined under Section 5, Chapter 26 of the University of Iowa Operations Manual) or any violation of the campus Drug Free Environment(Section 2, Division 1, Chapter 12)
Disruptive Behavior

Staff will take appropriate action to remedy disruptive behavior and to maintain a quiet, pleasant environment conducive to art enjoyment. Disruptive behavior is any activity which endangers the perpetrator or others, interferes with museum business of other patrons or staff, or is illegal. This may include any activity which results in harm to museum equipment or services.

Examples of prohibited disruptive behaviors include but are not limited to: using threatening/ abusive language, creating unreasonable noise, campaigning, petitioning, interviewing, survey taking, fundraising or selling, unless authorized by museum staff.

Electrical Outlets

Electrical outlets are intended to be used only for mobile computing devices and other small electronic equipment having a typical, everyday use. They may not be used for small appliances, e.g., coffee pots, or any other electrical device that poses a hazard to the museum or itscollections. Electrical cords must not be draped in aisles or in any manner that creates a trippinghazard.

Food and Drink

Food and beverages must remain in the lobby. It is the individual’s responsibility to throw away wrappers, containers, and other trash in the appropriate trash receptacles. Report major spills to museum staff immediately, so we can arrange for the appropriate clean-up.
Exceptions to the Food and Drink policy may occur during facility rentals and museum programming.

Museum Security

Security cameras are located in public and staff areas of the museum to protect the safety and security of people, the building, and its contents.

Failure to comply with a museum security staff request, unauthorized entry in a staff area, orfailure to leave the museum during emergencies and at closing time will be considered disruptivebehavior. Visitors may be asked to leave the premises and/or may lose their privileges to use the UI Stanley Museum of Art, be subject to university-imposed discipline, and/or be subject to criminal prosecution or other legal action, as appropriate.

Personal Property 

The museum is not responsible for theft, damage, or loss of personal property, including property stored in lockers. Museum visitors should take every precaution to ensure the security of personal belongings, and personal property left unattended and not in the locker room may be removed. 

The museum may limit the number of belongings a visitor brings into the building, if an unreasonable number of objects (for example, numerous bags/ suitcases/ bundles of material) are kept by a visitor. 

Unattended Children 

The museum is not responsible for the safety of children left unattended in any part of the museum. If necessary, museum staff will take appropriate action upon discovering unattended children. Actions may include contacting parents and/or the Department of Public Safety.

Accessibility and accommodations

Our staff and volunteers are dedicated to the belief that the experience of art is meant to be shared by all. We frequently evaluate how effectively we are serving the needs of visitors and continue to work with campus partners to offer a variety of onsite accommodations for visitors with disabilities. Please visit our Accessibility page for detailed information and instructions on accessing or requesting specific accommodations.

Available at any timeavailable by request
Two accessible entrancesASL interpretation for programming, events or class visits
Wheelchairs available to borrowTouch Tours
Ample seating throughout the galleries 
Assistive listening devices available to borrow 
Sensory Inclusive™ bags from Kulture City® available to borrow 
Accessible and all-gender restrooms 
Private, accessible and lockable Family Quiet Room 
Service animals are always welcome in the museum 




The Stanley Museum of Art is a popular place for photographers. We want you to “See Yourself at the Stanley,” both in person and through a lens. Personal photography is encouraged at the museum when conducted without disruption to museum operations or visitors, and with the safety of the art in mind.

Personal Visitor Photography (non-commercial use)

Please do:

  • Take casual photos for personal use only.
  • If you aren't sure if taking a photo is permitted, please ask our front desk or security teams.
  • Use handheld cameras, cell phones, and tablets with the flash turned off.
  • Post images from your visit on personal, noncommercial social media. We love it when our visitors share the museum with their networks!
  • Remember to tag the museum @uistanleymuseum #UIowaStanley

Thank you for helping us protect the collection by:

  • Remaining behind stanchions and maintaining a safe, arm's-length distance from all artworks, cases, platforms, and pedestals.
  • Respecting other visitors enjoying the galleries.
  • Avoiding the use of flash photography and video cameras. Bulky items, tripods, selfie-sticks, or other equipment must be left with the front desk.
  • Understanding that photographs cannot be published, sold, reproduced, transferred, distributed, or otherwise commercially exploited in any manner.

Professional or Commercial Photography*

  • Professional or commercial photography/filming requires special arrangements with museum staff and may incur a fee depending on the project and the equipment necessary.
  • Please submit the Photography and Filming Application at least two weeks in advance of your requested date so we can discuss your needs and make arrangements. This ensures that photography doesn't interfere with scheduled tours, class visits, or other events. In all cases, photographers are expected not to obstruct museum visitors or interfere with our regular operations.
  • Indoor gallery shoots are subject to a fee, require a staff escort, and may be scheduled only during business hours on Mondays or outside of public hours on weekdays. We will estimate the fee at the time of booking.
  • Outdoor shoots on museum grounds do not require an escort, however photography must not disrupt museum operations or visitor experience. Some outdoor artworks may be under copyright. It is the responsibility of the user to clear any permissions that may be necessary for uses beyond news reporting and commentary. Copyright information will be provided upon request.
  • Approval for commercial and professional photography will be made on a case-by-case basis. 

*Professional or commercial photography/filming is defined as any use outside of personal (i.e. editorial, commercial, advertisement – including, but not limited to portrait, graduation, engagement, wedding, and fashion photography). 

The University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art reserves the right to deny permission to photograph or film on its premises. Unauthorized reproduction is an infringement of the United States copyright law.
The University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art may photograph or video visitors for educational and promotional purposes. Attendance on Stanley Museum of Art premises constitutes implied consent for the use of adult visitors’ likenesses in the museum’s promotional materials.



Come and Visit

Iowa City is a UNESCO City of Literature and the Greatest Small City for the Arts

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How do I...?

Find a restroom

Accessible, gendered restrooms are located off the north end of the lobby, adjacent to the elevators on the second floor, and behind the elevators on the third floor. An accessible, single-user restroom is available on the first floor only. An accessible Family Quiet Room is located opposite the restrooms on the third floor.

Infant changing tables are available in the first floor single-user restroom and the third floor Family Quiet Room, as well as within the accessible stalls of all gendered restrooms.

Donate a work of art

The University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art has an exceptional core collection thanks to donors who have made generous gifts of art throughout the years—and this tradition of giving continues today. Each year, the museum increases its collection through acquisitions from loyal donors such as you.

Adding Art to the Collection

Before the museum can accept a gift of art a member of our curatorial team must submit the artwork to the Collections Committee for approval. This committee meets three times a year to review proposed objects and to select the works that the museum will add to its collection. 

Should you consider offering a gift of artwork, please be aware that the cross-departmental labor entailed in the review and intake of the objects aligned with our teaching mission means we must be selective with respect to new acquisitions. 

Types of Gifts

Outright Gifts

The UI Stanley Museum of Art accepts outright gifts of art. Such donations may entitle you to tax benefits, and the museum recommends that you consult with your tax adviser before making a gift of art.

Planned Gifts

You can leave gifts of art to the museum in a bequest, and such bequests must meet the same acquisition criteria as outright gifts of art.

The Process for Making a Gift of Art

1. In order for a potential gift of art to be considered, you will need to provide a description of the object(s), related documentation, and an image of the object(s) (high resolution is best). Specific and helpful information includes:

  • Title
  • Date
  • Artist
  • Medium/Materials
  • Artist’s Signature (location of signature)
  • Dimensions
  • Condition
  • The insurance value of each object
  • Provenance documentation

2. The museum will review the submitted documentation for the object(s) monthly.
3. If the museum is interested in the object(s), the work must be reviewed in person to review the work and determine how exhibitable it is.

  • A staff member may request to visit you to see the work first. Following this you will be contacted by our registrar to organize the shipment of the work to the Stanley.

4. Upon arrival, the object(s) will be on temporary loan until the next Collections Committee meeting.
5. The Collections Committee will vote to formally acquire the object(s).
6. If the object(s) is accepted into the collection, the registrar will send you a Deed of Gift, and you will receive a letter of acknowledgment for the gift. This process can take several months.

The Process for Loaning Art

The UI Stanley Museum of Art could not fulfill its teaching mission without the generosity of collectors willing to loan works of art. Our staff strategically borrows works of art in exhibitable condition to expand and enhance what the museum can offer. 

When you loan a work(s) of art to the UI Stanley Museum, you allow the public to view and enjoy your piece while it is on display. In general, you will need to fill out a loan agreement and provide the museum with information about the piece, such as its title, artist, date of creation, and value. The museum will then create an insurance policy to cover the piece while it is on display. Once the paperwork is complete, the museum will collect and transport the art to the museum and install it according to their specifications. At the end of the loan period, the museum will arrange to transport and return the art to you.

For more information about making a gift of art to the University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art please email UI-stanleyartgift@uiowa.edu.

Contact FOR GIFT/loan OF ART

The University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art welcomes the University of Iowa community, all Iowans, and the world to discover and enjoy extraordinary works of art, explore new ideas, and cultivate new insights into history, culture, and the act of creation. We create diverse communities around our collections by fostering creative connections across the university, the state, and the world. Through the wise stewardship and dynamic presentation of the collections in our care, the Stanley Museum encourages transformative encounters with works of art and contemplation of the human story.

Find Jackson Pollock's "Mural"

Jackson Pollock’s Mural is in Gallery 1 on the second floor.

Teach/begin a research project at the museum

Teach with the Collection

Faculty, staff, and students from visiting colleges or universities may request an exhibition tour in our galleries or a specialized viewing experience of work in our visual laboratory and classroom through our online visit request form.

visit request form 

View Works from the Collection

The Stanley Museum of Art welcomes visiting scholars to research our collection. As you prepare for your visit, we recommend completing the request form as soon as possible.

Object viewing request

Requests must be placed at least one month in advance to allow the registrarial team time to assess all requested objects, determine if they can safely be removed from storage for study, and prepare them for viewing. Visits are limited to normal museum hours and are dependent upon teaching, programming, and staff availability.

You can research our collection online through the Iowa Digital Library.


Please contact Sarah Luko, assistant registrar rights and reproductions, with questions.

contact sarah

Request to see a work of art

The Stanley Museum of Art’s collection belongs to the State of Iowa, and we want you to have access to all of it. While only a small percentage of the full collection can be on view at any time, you can make a request to see a specific artwork during our public viewing hours. Space is limited.

Make a request

You can research our collection online through the Iowa Digital Library.

Contact Sarah Luko, manager of exhibitions and collections, with any questions.

Contact Sarah

Request an image

To request images, please first search our online collection for object details and note the artist/maker/culture, title/object name, and accession number of the artwork(s). Then contact Sayuri Sasaki Hemann with this information and your intended use of the image.

Sayuri Sasaki Hemann
Assistant Registrar

email saYURI

Become a member

The University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art has offered free admission since opening our doors in 1969. Now we’re reaffirming our commitment to community accessibility by also making it free to join our membership program. We want everyone to see themselves at the Stanley Museum of Art!

We recognize the barriers that have long existed in traditional museum membership models, and we believe dues shouldn’t stand in the way of transformational art experiences. By making membership free for all, we’re reflecting our mission of remaining an inclusive and welcoming resource for discovery, inquiry, collaboration, and creativity.

When you become a Stanley Museum of Art member, you join a community with a shared passion for art and engagement. As a member, you’ll enjoy:

  • Monthly e-newsletters and other museum communications
  • Advance notice of museum programs, exhibitions, and events
  • Lifetime membership

Join today!

Visit with an infant or toddler

Child carriers must be worn by an adult to the front of their body. Single-occupant strollers are welcome. Oversize and jogging strollers may not be brought into the galleries.

Bottle and breastfeeding are welcome throughout the museum. A Family Quiet Room on the third floor is also available for your use.

Infant changing tables are available in the first floor single-user restroom and the Family Quiet Room, as well as within the accessible stalls of gendered restrooms on the third floor.

Find a place to nurse a child or express milk

A Family Quiet Room is available on the museum’s third floor.

Bring my service animal

The Stanley Museum of Art welcomes all, including those assisted by service animals, to visit our galleries, connect with our collections, and participate in our programs. The Stanley complies with Iowa law and the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), and allows service animals trained to perform specific tasks for an individual with a disability into all public areas of the museum.

The museum does not allow Emotional Support Animals (ESA) on site. Emotional Support Animals, Comfort Animals, or Therapy Animals are not considered service animals under the ADA.

The following questions will be asked of each visitor with a service animal:

• Is the service animal required because of a disability?

• What work or task has the animal been trained to perform?

If an animal presents a threat to other visitors or to works of art, or becomes a nuisance, the handler will be asked to remove the animal from the premises.

Find a place to sit

Bench seating is available throughout the galleries and lightweight folding stools are available near the elevators on the second floor.
The lobby has multiple seating options for individuals and groups.

Tours and Groups

We design tours to engage and spark your curiosity! Visitors of all ages are welcome to join us on a guided tour, led by a museum educator or docent. We hope you'll leave your tour with a sense of excitement and wonder, curious to learn more about the art in our collection.

Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa-sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in a tour or program, please contact the Stanley in advance at 319-335-1727.

Schedule A Tour