When starting to plan a birthday celebration for Stanley, we wanted to really be able to capture the experiences and moments from the last year. Celebrating the reopening of the Stanley Museum of Art not only was a celebration of the museum itself, but also everyone that has come in the doors. Thus, we really wanted this celebration to be like a typical birthday party: cupcakes, music, activities, and even a little picture area with a Polaroid!

To try and really reflect on the past year, we created a zine compiled of events, classes that have come in, student employees, alumni, and so much more.
The zines were given out at an information table that also had punchcards for the Stanley Student Challenge. The challenge was made to increase the attendance at student events while providing a fun incentive for attending 5 of the 10 events this year.
Personally, I think that the prize of a free Baggu designed by staff is a great reward for those who attend the events!

Overall, HBD SMA allowed us to celebrate the opening of the museum and the accomplishments of the past year. However, it also gave people the opportunity to see the space, hang out with friends, take silly pictures, and have a delicious cupcake from Molly’s Cupcakes. Even if people just stopped in for the cupcake, we wanted to make the space less scary and intimidating for students.
For more information on the Stanley's first year open, watch the Daily Iowan TV segment below: