Hello, my name is Bella Epstein, and I am very excited to be an intern at the Stanley this summer! I will be doing a fifth year at the University of Northern Iowa this coming academic year, and am studying art education and printmaking. I am also pursuing a museum studies certificate. During this internship, I am hoping to learn more about education and outreach in museums. I will be assisting with art and library curriculum development related to the Stanley’s Keith Haring exhibition. You will also find me at the Stanley’s Arts Fest and Block Party booths helping out with Keith Haring activities. I will be learning more about the role docents play in a museum through writing reference documents for the Stanley’s wonderful docents. I am an Iowa City local, and grew up visiting many museums, but never the Stanley due to the 2008 flood. I am thrilled to spend my summer at the Stanley to grow my knowledge about the inner-workings of museums.