Jude Langhurst
Tell us about yourself:
I became a University of Iowa Museum of Art (UIMA) docent just about a year before the 2008 flood. Post flood, I was asked to take art ("UIMA Schools Program Collection") into Iowa schools for presentations. We presented to thousands of children each year and I thoroughly enjoyed that experience. Prior to retirement I enjoyed a career in Public Relations and Advertising. Bicycling is another passion of mine. My husband and I ride well over 3,000 miles each year. We've ridden the west coast from British Columbia along the west coast to San Francisco, from Austin, TX along the bayous to New Orleans, from Acadia in Maine to New York City and many other routes. Viewing nature up close is like viewing art and all time spent looking at beauty is never time wasted.
What inspired you to become a Stanley docent?
During my career I lived in several states in the Midwest and during that time I had the opportunity, as a volunteer, to teach art in a small community where art was not at all available in the schools. It was important to me to introduce those children to art...to encourage creativity. When I retired to Iowa City I immediately volunteered to become a docent at the museum.
What are you looking forward to in the new building?
What are you looking forward to in the new building? I look forward to simply renewing acquaintance with the art. The Stanley Museum of Art objects are like old friends I've not been able to visit for a very long time. I'm excited to see them in person.