student blog
Night at the Museum: Pizza & Paint
Monday, April 15, 2024
In case you couldn't make it to this months installment of Night at the Museum, we hosted a Pizza & Paint night! We had an art activity led by Amanda Lensing. The inspiration for the activity came from Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama. For this event, we also partnered with Campus Activities Board (CAB)! There was also yummy pizza, fruit, cookies, and drinks!

hey, SMA!
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
hey, SMA! is a video interview series with visiting artists designed to succinctly communicate their work and philosophies to a public audience. This series is Abbie McLaren’s personal project for her 2023-24 academic year as museum programs intern.

Night at the Museum: Wikipedia Edit-a-thon
Monday, April 1, 2024
For the month of March, we hosted a Wikipedia Edit-a-thon to address issues of representation in the arts. Read this blog post to learn all about it--we made a scavenger hunt, pressed buttons, collaborated with Art Hawks and the LGBTQ Iowa Archives & Library, and made a difference for Women's History Month!
Meet the Gallery Hosts 2023-24
Friday, March 22, 2024
During the winter 2023 term, Communications & Marketing Assistant Anaka Sanders did a project focusing on introducing the Gallery Host team to the public. Read this blog post and watch her videos to learn more about the students who greet all of our visitors when they first step into the museum!

Social Justice Self-Guided Tour
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
As part of her internship, Campus Engagement Coordinator Alexis Belme created a social justice themed self-guided tour. Due to the museum's gallery rotation schedule, this tour was only available for a short time; check out this blog post to learn more about Alexis's process and see the final result if you weren't able to pick up a copy at the front desk!
Night at the Museum: Date Night
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
In case you couldn't make it to this months installment of Night at the Museum, we held a date night for Valentine's Day! We had a love-themed scavenger hunt, DIY mini flower bouquets, a little photo booth, and so so many yummy snacks!!

2023 Fall Semester Recap
Friday, December 8, 2023
In case you couldn't make it to some of our events this semester or wanted some insight, read more about what we have been up to!

Night at the Museum: Bingo Queens
Friday, November 10, 2023
In case you couldn't make it to our second installment of Night at the Museum, we held a fun bingo game hosted by local drag queens! We played multiple rounds of bingo, had art themed mocktails, and even did a Q&A with the queens, Hazel Sanchez-Belle and Virgo Frost.

Night at the Museum: The Art of Voting
Monday, September 18, 2023
In case you couldn't make it to our first installment of Night at the Museum, we held an event to engage students in registering to vote! We hosted Hawk the Vote to help get students registered, had snacks and drinks, and had a table for voter button making.